Box 2.1. TEACH -Helping countries track and improve teaching quality Box 2.2. The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Box 2.3. Inquiry-based collaborative professional development approaches -International examples Box 2.4. Effective models of school-to-school collaborations -Examples from England (United Kingdom) and Shanghai (People's Republic of China) Box 2.5. Approaches to school principal preparation in selected OECD Members Box 2.6. Developing educational leadership among school leaders and teachers -An example from Ireland Box 3.1. A participatory approach and research-informed curriculum review process -Example from New Zealand Box 3.2. Digital technologies are transforming education -Examples from Estonia and Shanghai (PRC) Box 4.1. Differentiated career structures for teachers -Examples from Singapore and the Republic of North Macedonia Box 4.2. "Optimising Multi-level Support for School Improvement in Scotland (United Kingdom)" -International peer learning event among selected OECD MembersNote: This document, as well as any data and map included herein, are without prejudice to the status of or sovereignty over any territory, to the delimitation of international frontiers and boundaries and to the name of any territory, city or area.No. 78 -An assessment of the professional development of teachers and school leaders, and curriculum and learning resources in the Republic of Moldova 5
OECD EDUCATION POLICY PERSPECTIVES © OECD 2023This report is the first output of the project that presents an in-depth analysis of two of the selected policy domains: "professional development of teachers and other education professionals" and "curriculum and learning resources". Recognising its institutional capacity for effective planning and management of education sector development in low-and middle-income countries, OECD sought a collaboration with the UNESCO International Institute for Education Planning (IIEP) to jointly undertake this work.A second report has been developed that focusses on the third identified policy domain, "the evaluation of Vocational Education and Training (VET) programmes and institutions" (OECD, 2023[4]). 1 Education in Moldova: an overview 6 No. 78 -An assessment of the professional development of teachers and school leaders, and curriculum and learning resources in the Republic of Moldova OECD EDUCATION POLICY PERSPECTIVES © OECD 2023Following a brief introduction to Moldova and its school system (Section 1), this report provides a detailed assessment of the policies and practices concerning the professional development of teachers and school leaders (Section 2). This is followed by a discussion on the current curriculum review approach and the partially untapped potential of using digital technologies for innovating teaching and student learning (Section 3). Section 4 consists of an examination of several relevant areas of policy and factors of influence on the successful implementation of the Education Development Strategy 2030. At the end of each section, the report offe...