A rapid reversed-phase gradient method employing a 50 mm × 1 mm i.d., C18 microbore column, combined with ion mobility and high-resolution mass spectrometry, was applied to the metabolic phenotyping of urine samples obtained from rats receiving different diets. This method was directly compared to a "conventional" method employing a 150 × 2.1 mm i.d. column packed with the same C18 bonded phase using the same samples. Multivariate statistical analysis of the resulting data showed similar class discrimination for both microbore and conventional methods, despite the detection of fewer mass/ retention time features by the former. Multivariate statistical analysis highlighted a number of ions that represented dietspecific markers in the samples. Several of these were then identified using the combination of mass, ion-mobility-derived collision cross section and retention time including N-acetylglutamate, urocanic acid, and xanthurenic acid. Kynurenic acid was tentatively identified based on mass and ion mobility data.