Driven by the CMB temperature-redshift (T -z) relation as demanded by deconfining SU(2) Yang-Mills thermodynamics, an according cosmological model is proposed and analysed. This model -SU(2) cmb -exhibits a dark sector, representing ΛCDM with a certain late-time dark-matter density which transitions to a reduced (present-day) density parameter at high z. We statistically analyse constraints on cosmological parameters directly imposed by the values of the standard co-moving ruler r d and the angular size of the sound horizon θ * . Compared to the ΛCDM best fit to 2015 Planck data, we require an increased (present-day) dark matter density when r d · H 0 = const and a value H 0 ∼ 73.5 km s −1 Mpc −1 -typical for local extractions -are used. The ratio between the density parameters of primordial and late-time dark matter ranges between 0.5 and 0.7. We confirm this trend by fitting the predictions of SU(2) cmb , obtained from a modified CLASS code, to the angular power spectra TT, TE, and EE. We consider adiabatic, scalar primordial curvature perturbations and distinguish two treatments of thermal quasi-particles in the perturbation equations. Best fits predict a red-tilted primordial power spectrum. Moreover, a low baryon density is obtained compared with the coincidence value of BBN, the ΛCDM best fit of the 2015 Planck data, and the observed deuterium abundance. Our derived values of H 0 support the results of local cosmological observations. Also, there is a tendency for late reionisation. Pdflatex could not properly compile abstracts with less than