Studies were made of the dehydroxylation of several aluminium hydroxide modifications and the kinetics of a-A1203 formation. The investigated samples differed in both mineral composition and the level of alkali admixtures. It was found that the rate of formation and the quantity of a-A1203 depend mainly on the purity of the aluminium hydroxides, while the transition forms of alumina depend on the initial type of the aluminium hydroxide.Alumina is currently a valuable construction material in the various branches of industry. Its wide-ranging applications demand that alumina fulfils very high requirements as concerns chemical purity, hardness, crystallographic structure, degree of comminution and many other physieochemical features.Alumina is chiefly obtained by the dehydroxylation of aluminium hydroxides. The final aim is most often the manufacture of the most stable form of A1203 i.e. a-A1203, corundum. Corundum has exellent properties, such as high hardness, thermal resistance and high melting temperature. The final physicochemical properties of the produced ceramic material and the economy of the technological process of its manufacture depend on the rate of formation and the quantity of a-A1203.The dehydroxylation of aluminium hydroxides is a very complicated process. Numerous research works [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9], have demonstrated this, though the conclusions are sometimes discrepant. The transformations of the structure of aluminium hydroxides during heating up to the formation of new crystalline products depend on many factors, such as the type and origin of the aluminium hydroxide, grain size, chemical purity, heating rate, calcination time, atmosphere, mineralizator additives and others. Irrespective of these factors, greater or smaller amounts of a-A1203 are always obtained if the calcination temperature is adequately high. The proposed schemes of dehydroxylation differ because of the various methods of manufacturing of John Wiley & Sons, Limited, Chichester Akaddmiai Kiad6, Budapest