Summary. In hind limbs of wistar-rats an ischemia was produced by tourniquets.Postischemic recovery was started by restoration of blood flow. The animals were held in ether-Inactin narcosis at constant room-temperature of 28°C. The shock, which oceured after tourniquet release was treated in a standardized manner. The extent of muscle-cell lesion was determined by changes in the tissue levels of energy-rich phosphates and metabolites of the glycolysis-cycle. Catabolic changes of metabolism during ischemia are characterized by a decrease in phosphocreatine, ATP, glycogen and an accumulation of lactate. Rate and extent of metabolic recovery were inverse proportional to the duration of ischemia. After ischemia of 2 and 3 hrs duration a rapid recovery in the metabolic pattern was measured. After ischemia of 4 hrs duration normalisation of the metabolic pattern only oecured, if the recovery period was extended to 6 weeks. After ischemia of 5 and 6 hrs duration no restitution was observed. Prom the biochemical data, obtained under the described experimental conditions, the ischemic tolerance of rat sceletal musculature concerning a rapid and longlasting recovery is exceeded after an ischemic period of 4 hrs.
Key words: Extremity-ischemia --Muscular energy metabolism --Recirculation