The present paper investigates the discharge modes in neon. The Ne-discharge is shown to be sensitively influenced by impurities or small admixtures. If the Ne-filling is not pure enough, pulse mode and continuous mode occur in the same way as in a Ne--N, mixture. But below a nitrogen content of O.0lo/, the shift of the transition frequency between the pulse mode and continuous mode disappears. If the measurements were carried out in pure neon, the non-bistable continuous modc could not be observed, which indicated that the main ionization mechanism, the Penning ionization, had vanished. Instead, in the corresponding parameter range a bistable discharge occurred. This discharge, representing the quasiglow mode, is more intense and the discharge current persists for the whole half cycle.Furthermore, the present paper investigates the wall voltage build up. The charge-transfermethod was extended to the quasiglow mode and the continuous mode. The observed changes in the charge-transfer-curves can be explained by the different discharge mechanisms.