I Zeitschrift fur Allgemeine hlikrobiologie I 21 I 2 I 1981 I 95-1107 I (Wissenscliaf tsbcreicli Mikrob i d le Biochcin ic der Sekt ion Biologic der Friedrich-Schiller-Universitat, Jena) Struktur der Zellwandpolysaccharide in der Futter-ciweiI3-Hefe Candida spec. H. 1. Stritktur dcs alkalistabilen Mannsn-Proteins (ICinyeynnye~L (iw, 29. S. 1.980, revidiert einyegnnyen ant, 28. 7. 1.980)The isolated manno-protein contains about 80% mannose and 10% glucose. hIethylation analysis established the highly branched nature of this polysaccharide and the presence of l,%, 1,3-and 1,6-linkages, as well as the linkages of the branchpoints. The research of the acetolysis fragments revealed t h a t the molecule is composed of mannose and mannooligosaccharides with DP2 to DP12. These oligosaccharides are terminated in the nonreducing end by a(1,2)-and a(1,3)linkcd mannose residues. The pentasaccharide 1s terminated only by an a( 1,3)-mannose. Glucosc w a s only found in the monosaccharide fraction corresponding to the nonsubstituted backbonc and in the n(l,3)-disaccharide fraction (reducing and nonreducing end) of the acetolysis. A heptasaccharide fraction rorresponding to the N-glyrosidical linkage region between polysaccharide and protein parts of the glyroprotein had been isolated. 'H-NMR spectroscopy and chemical characterization made i t probable that the unit with the first side chain, mannopentaose, is linked by di-N,N'-acetylchitobiose or by 4-0-~-u-glucosyl-K-acetyl-D-glncosamine to the asparaginc residue of the protcin.