Absorption and endogenous excretion of P by male broiler chicks (14-29 d old) were quantitatively evaluated at different Ca : P ratios (1,l: 1 ; 2, 1.5 : 1 ; 3,2 : 1 ; 4,25 : 1) in four groups given experimental diets ad lib. The P content was the same in all diets. An isotope-dilution technique was used to determine endogenous faecal and renal excretion. Ca and P retentions in the whole body were estimated according to the comparative slaughter technique. P absorption was calculated from retention and endogenous excretion. Absorption and endogenous excretion of P amounted to (mg P/d per chick): 304,270,160 and 158; and 135,109,31 and 30 in groups 1,2,3 and 4 respectively. Widening of the Ca:P ratio in the feed limited the P absorption. Availability of feed P amounted to (%): (1) 66, (2) 57, (3) 32 and (4) 30, and the amounts of absorbed P retained were (%): (1) 56, (2) 60, (3 and 4) 81. The increasing Ca concentration in the feed showed a greater effect on P absorption than on P retention. The ratios of relative retention to relative endogenous excretion of absorbed P were: (1) 1.27, (2) 150, (3 and 4) 4.26.Phosphorus absorption: Endogenous phosphorus: Broilers: Ca: P ratios Growth performance in poultry is related to the metabolism of minerals, especially Ca and P, for Lone formation. P metabolism is affected by the amount of P in the feed (Gunther et al. 1982), the age of the animal and sources of P supply (Gunther et al. 1978; Gunther & Al-Masri, 1988), the amounts of P and Ca and the Ca:P ratio in the feed (Gunther & Tekin, 1968~1, b;Hermes, 1977) and phytase (EC 3 . 1 . 3 . 8 ) activity (Simons et al. 1990;Schoner et al. 1993) in addition to vitamin D supply.In evaluating the metabolism of P in the animal body and its influence on chick growth, P absorption, retention of feed P, and endogenous P excretion in relation to the Ca:P ratio in the feed are important variables that affect the supply of minerals to the skeleton. A radioisotope-dilution technique may be used to measure the endogenous faecal and renal P excretion. Absorbed P in relation to feed P gives P availability. In the same way, P retention in the whole body in relation to feed P gives the relative P retention. The present study provides quantitative information on the retention and endogenous excretion of absorbed P, and evaluates the relationshp between them for homeostasis of this mineral in growing chicks given diets with different Ca : P ratios. P retention, endogenous P and P absorption were estimated at intervals between 14 and 29 d of age.