As a consequence of axial current conservation, fermions cannot be bound in localized lumps in the massless Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. In the case of twisted kinks, this manifests itself in a cancellation between the valence fermion density and the fermion density induced in the Dirac sea. To attribute the correct fermion number to these bound states requires an infrared regularization. Recently, this has been achieved by introducing a bare fermion mass, at least in the nonrelativistic regime of small twist angles and fermion numbers. Here, we propose a simpler regularization using a finite box which preserves integrability and can be applied at any twist angle. A consistent and physically plausible assignment of fermion number to all twisted kinks emerges. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.97.056012
I. WHY INFRARED PROBLEMS?Consider the Nambu-Jona-Sums over N flavors are suppressed as usual (ψψ ¼ P N k¼1ψ k ψ k , etc.). Since the Lagrangian (1) features only zero-range interactions, one would expect ultraviolet (UV) rather then infrared (IR) problems. Indeed, in 3 þ 1 dimensions this theory is not renormalizable. In 1 þ 1 dimensions, UV problems are harmless and can be handled by a mere renormalization of the coupling constant. In order to understand the origin of possible IR problems, we have to remember that the NJL 2 model possesses a continuous U(1) chiral symmetry,Strictly speaking, a continuous symmetry cannot be broken spontaneously in 1 þ 1 dimensions [3,4]. However, in the large-N limit, mean field theory is believed to become exact so that one may envisage the spontaneous breakdown of chiral symmetry in the NJL 2 model [5,6]. The appropriate mean-field approach for fermions is the Hartree-Fock (HF)or time-dependent Hartree-Fock approximation. In the relativistic version needed here, one starts from the Dirac equationThe scalar (S) and pseudoscalar (P) potentials obey the self-consistency conditionsThe sum over all occupied orbits includes the Dirac sea and possible occupied positive energy levels. The vacuum corresponds to the solution of Eqs. (3)- (4) with homogeneous S, P. It is infinitely degenerate and characterized by a chiral vacuum angle θ,The U(1) manifold of all possible vacua is called the chiral circle. Its radius is the dynamical fermion mass m, generated by dimensional transmutation from a dimensionless coupling constant via the vacuum gap equation [2,7] πSpontaneous symmetry breaking now amounts to picking one point on the chiral circle, say, Δ ¼ m, as vacuum.Computing small fluctuations around the vacuum with the relativistic random phase approximation yields the information about the meson spectrum. One finds a massive, scalar σ meson (m σ ¼ 2m) and a massless, pseudoscalar π