Atropisomeric1 ,2-naphthylene scaffolds provide access to donor-acceptor compounds with helical oligomerbased bridges,a nd transient absorption studies revealed a highly unusuald ependenceo ft he electron-transfer rate on oligomer length, whichi sd ue to their well-defined secondary structure. Close noncovalent intramolecular contacts enable shortcuts for electron transfer that would otherwise have to occur over longerd istances along covalentp athways, reminiscent of the behavior seen for certain proteins. The simplistic pictureo ft ube-like electron transferc an de-scribe this superpositiono fd ifferent pathways including both the covalenth elical backbone, as well as noncovalent contacts, contrasting the wire-like behavior reportedm any times before for more conventional molecular bridges. The exquisite control over the molecular architecture, achievable with the configurationally stable and topologically defined 1,2-naphthylene-baseds caffolds, is of key importancef or the tube-like electron transfer behavior.O ur insights are relevant for the emerging field of multidimensional electron transfer and for possible future applications in molecular electronics.Scheme1.(a) Electron transfer (ET) through linear wires;( b) ET across the covalent backboneofah elical structure;(c) conformational flexibility complicates the assessment of the relative importanceo fc ovalent versus noncovalentlypathways;and (d) ET pathway involving noncovalent contacts in ahelical structure.Scheme2.(a) Donor-acceptor dyads synthesized and investigated in this work;and (b) space-filling modelo ft he dyad with n = 3( compound W3).