Introduction: The purpose of this literature review is to conduct a systematic review of the clinical applicability and safety of the liposuction technique and to familiarize the reader with the scope of non-cosmetic indications. The procedure of liposuction used not only as a tool of rejuvenation but also used to improve the quality of life after many disabling medical conditions such as: Lipomatosis syndromes, Adipose tissue diseases, chronic lymphedema of the extremities, fasciocutaneous, and myocutaneous bulky Flaps, subcutaneous lipomas, axillary Hyperhydrosis, post ablative surgery and Radio dermatitis. Methods: An online search of the Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, Embase and SciELO was conducted. Studies included in the review were 47 original articles reported from 1982 to February 2014. The articles included the use of liposuction for treatment of non-cosmetic and disabling medical conditions, with description of clinical applications and complications. The criteria used for papers selection were: papers with large size of samples, papers with significant statistics, and original papers. The case reports were excluded. Results: There was a broad agreement in the reviewed literature about the applicability and the efficacy of the liposuction for treatment of these chronic medical conditions. Literatures review confirmed that this technique has provided significant and stable cure. Conclusion: Liposuction is the most frequent aesthetic procedure worldwide for adipose tissue reduction and treatment of lipedema. Apart from aesthetic indications, liposuction also is suitable for treatment of chronic medical diseases and non-cosmetic conditions. It alternates some of surgical procedures like debulking of flaps, undermining the subcutaneous tissues. It is an adjuvant tool for breast reconstruction. Liposuction is not a simple procedure but requires extensive knowledge and experience to prevent irreversible medical or aesthetic complications.