6 Li and 7 Li NMRs are used to investigate the lithium ion dynamics in LiPO 3 glass. In particular, 6 Li NMR stimulated-echo experiments are used to provide straightforward access to two-time correlation functions characterizing the lithium ionic hopping motion in the millisecond regime in a glassy ion conductor. Temperature-dependent measurements serve to separate the spin diffusion contribution and the dynamic contribution to the stimulated-echo decays. The 6 Li NMR correlation functions of LiPO 3 glass describing the lithium ionic motion show pronounced nonexponential decays, which can be well described by a stretched exponential function with a temperature-independent small stretching parameter  = 0.27, indicating the complex nature of the lithium dynamics. The temperature dependence of the mean correlation times ͗͘ resulting from these stimulated-echo experiments is described by an activation energy E a = 0.66 eV. The values of ͗͘ are in good agreement with time constants from previous electrical and mechanical relaxation studies. At appropriate temperatures, the 6 Li and 7 Li NMR spectra are superpositions of a broad and a narrow spectral component, which result from slow and fast lithium ions, respectively, on the NMR time scale. A detailed analysis of the temperature dependence of these line shapes provides information about the distribution of correlation times.