41 42 Sediment-hosted CO2-rich aquifers deep below the Colorado Plateau (USA) contain a 43 remarkable diversity of uncultivated microorganisms, including Candidate Phyla Radiation 44 (CPR) bacteria that are putative symbionts unable to synthesize membrane lipids. The 45 origin of organic carbon in these ecosystems is unknown and the source of CPR membrane 46 lipids remains elusive. We collected cells from deep groundwater brought to the surface by 47 eruptions of Crystal Geyser, sequenced the community, and analyzed the whole community 48 lipidome over time. Characteristic stable carbon isotopic compositions of microbial lipids 49 suggest that bacterial and archaeal CO2 fixation ongoing in the deep subsurface 50 provides organic carbon for the complex communities that reside there. Coupled lipidomic-51 metagenomic analysis indicates that CPR bacteria lack complete lipid biosynthesis pathways 52 but still possess regular lipid membranes. These lipids may therefore originate from other 53 community members, which also adapt to high in situ pressure by increasing fatty acid 54 unsaturation. An unusually high abundance of lysolipids attributed to CPR bacteria may 55 represent an adaptation to membrane curvature stress induced by their small cell sizes. Our 56 findings provide new insights into the carbon cycle in the deep subsurface and suggest the 57 redistribution of lipids into putative symbionts within this community. 58 59 Key words: / terrestrial subsurface / genome-resolved metagenomics / carbon cycling / Candidate 60 Phyla Radiation / intact polar lipids 61 62 65However, the diversity of subsurface ecosystems is manifold. Physicochemical characteristics as 66 well as the availability of electron donors and acceptors shape different microbial communities 67 within these ecosystems (e.g., [1, 2]). Serpentinizing systems can harbor large amounts of 68 abiotically-produced methane that can serve as the primary electron donor and as a carbon 69 substrate entering biosynthesis via methanotrophy [3-5]. In some environments, including 70 petroleum deposits, the availability of fossil organic matter, burial depth, and temperature, may 71 exert strong control on community structure [6]. Other subsurface environments have low 72 availability of buried organic matter. In such environments, genomic analyses suggest that in situ 73 CO2 fixation may support microbial communities [7-9]. Most subsurface environments may be 74 sustained by fixed carbon from multiple sources, and the relative importance of in situ CO2 fixation 75 has been difficult to ascertain [10]. 76 The candidate phyla radiation (CPR) of bacteria is a monophyletic group [11] which 77 includes enigmatic small-celled microbes [12] that appear to be abundant predominantly in the 78 subsurface [13]. Co-cultures of CPR bacteria indicate that some are symbionts of other bacteria 79 and heavily depend on their hosts for basic resources [14]. To date, none of the reconstructed CPR 80 3genomes encode for a complete fatty acid-based lipid biosynthesis pathway [13]. O...