The direct oxygen sensor protein isolated from Escherichia coli (Ec DOS) is a heme-based signal transducer protein responsible for phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity. Binding of O 2 , CO, or NO to a reduced heme significantly enhances the PDE activity toward 3,5-cyclic diguanylic acid. We report stationary and time-resolved resonance Raman spectra of the wild-type and several mutants (Glu-93 3 Ile, Met-95 3 Ala, Arg-97 3 Ile, Arg-97 3 Ala, Arg-97 3 Glu, Phe-113 3 Leu, and Phe-113 3 Thr) of the heme-containing PAS domain of Ec DOS. For the CO-and NO-bound forms, both the hydrogen-bonded and nonhydrogen-bonded conformations were found, and in the former Heme-based sensors are a class of enzymes that regulates the enzymatic activities and DNA binding in response to the presence of diatomic gas molecules CO, NO, or O 2 (1-6). The direct oxygen sensor from Escherichia coli (Ec DOS) 4 is a hemebased signal transducer protein responsible for phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity (7,8). The Ec DOS is composed of a C-terminal PDE catalytic domain and the N-terminal hemecontaining domain. The latter is a prototypical PAS domain, which is a ubiquitous protein sensory domain found in all kingdoms (9), and has a conserved ␣/ folds consisting of ϳ147 residues (10, 11). The Ec DOS protein has a PDE activity specific to 3Ј,5Ј-cyclic diguanylic acid (12, 13), and the binding of O 2 , CO, or NO to the reduced heme significantly enhances the PDE activity (14, 15). Thus, Ec DOS is a novel gas-sensor enzyme that has unprecedented ability to be activated by different gas molecules. Because the CO and NO concentrations in the cells are very low (nanomolar), it is likely that Ec DOS is predominantly an oxygen sensor enzyme whereby catalysis is regulated in response to the micromolar O 2 level (16). It is believed that the structural changes in the heme vicinity caused by ligand binding to the heme provide the initial event in the gas sensing, followed by intramolecular signal transduction from the heme to the functional domain, and thus regulating the PDE activity. Fig. 1 illustrates the crystal structure of the truncated heme sensor domain (Ec DOSH) of Ec DOS protein (10). In the reduced form (Fig. 1A), Met-95 and His-77 are the heme axial ligands in the distal and proximal sides, respectively, and Met-95 forms a hydrogen bond with heme 7-propionate. Upon O 2 binding to the reduced heme, Met-95 is replaced by O 2 and heme 7-propionate forms a hydrogen bond with Arg-97 instead of Met-95. This stabilizes the heme-coordinated O 2 (Fig. 1B). Thus, the replacement of a distal axial ligand from Met-95 to O 2 perturbs the heme 7-propionate hydrogen bonding network, resulting in large conformational changes in the FG loop (10). On the other hand, the role of other distal residues (Fig. 1) and the heme 7-propionate hydrogen bonding network are not clear in the CO-or NO-sensing mechanism.To understand the gas-sensing mechanism of Ec DOS, it is essential to determine the changes in the heme and surrounding structures caused by distal ligand binding/di...