I would like to begin by expressing my deep gratitude and appreciation to my parents, who made everything I have achieved possible. I am profoundly thankful to my mother, Ioneide Oliveira, and my father, Antonio Oliveira, who have always supported my decisions. Both are my greatest inspirations and provide me with the motivation I need. I also want to thank my sister, Leilane Oliveira, who has always offered advice and support when needed.I am deeply grateful to my advisor, Alessandro Garcia, who not only guided me but also became a friend. I appreciate all the advice and suggestions he provided. I am certain that during this period of work and friendship, I have grown not only as a researcher but also as a person. I thank my co-advisor, Juliana Alves Pereira, who supported and guided me throughout my thesis. Her expertise helped enrich the quality of this thesis.I would like to thank my girlfriend, Mariana Borges, for all her support during this period. She has always been extremely important for me to stay motivated through all the advice and affection that she always gave to me. I also thank her family, Ideraldo José and Maria Aparecida, who have become my own family.I want to express my gratitude to Leonardo Sousa, Diego Cedrim, and Willian Oizumi, who has been with me since my MSc and have become great friends. They had always provided valuable advice and suggestions, some of which I admit I didn't want to hear but needed to. They all helped me both technically and personally. These are people I will carry with me throughout my life. I would like to thank João Lucas, Caio Barbosa, and Daniel Coutinho, who were always willing to help with research, often pointing out improvements that I couldn't see at times. I am thankful to all the current and former members of the Opus research group who were essential for the development of this thesis.