Suppression of surface-related and internal multiples is an outstanding challenge in seismic data processing. The former is particularly difficult in shallow water, whereas the latter is problematic for targets buried under complex, highly scattering overburdens. We propose a two-step, amplitude- and phase-preserving, inversion-based workflow, which addresses these problems. We apply Robust Estimation of Primaries by Sparse Inversion (R-EPSI) to suppress the surface-related multiples and solve for the source wavelet. A significant advantage of the inversion approach of the R-EPSI method is that it does not rely on an adaptive subtraction step that typically limits other de-multiple methods such as SRME. The resulting Green's function is used as input to a Marchenko equation-based approach to predict the complex interference pattern of all overburden-generated internal multiples at once, without a priori subsurface information. In theory, the interbed multiples can be predicted with correct amplitude and phase and, again, no adaptive filters are required. We illustrate this workflow by applying it on an Arabian Gulf field data example. It is crucial that all pre-processing steps are performed in an amplitude preserving way to restrict any impact on the accuracy of the multiple prediction. In practice, some minor inaccuracies in the processing flow may end up as prediction errors that need to be corrected for. Hence, we decided that the use of conservative adaptive filters is necessary to obtain the best results after interbed multiple removal. The obtained results show promising suppression of both surface-related and interbed multiples.