Several decades after the discovery of superconductivity in bismuthates, the strength of their electronphonon coupling and its evolution with doping remain puzzling. To clarify these issues, polycrystalline hole-doped Ba 1−x K x BiO 3 (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.6) samples were systematically synthesized and their bulk-and microscopic superconducting properties were investigated by means of magnetic susceptibility and muonspin rotation/relaxation (µSR), respectively. The phase diagram of Ba 1−x K x BiO 3 was reliably extended up to x = 0.6, which is still found to be a bulk superconductor. The lattice parameter a increases linearly with Kcontent, implying a homogeneous chemical doping. The low-temperature superfluid density, measured via transverse-field (TF)-µSR, indicates an isotropic fully-gapped superconducting state with zero-temperature gaps ∆ 0 /k B T c = 2.15, 2.10, and 1.75, and magnetic penetration depths λ 0 = 219, 184, and 279 nm for x = 0.3, 0.4, and 0.6, respectively. A change in the superconducting gap, from a nearly ideal BCS value (1.76 k B T c in the weak coupling case) in the overdoped x = 0.6 region, to much higher values in the optimally-doped case, implies a gradual decrease in electron-phonon coupling with doping. * Corresponding authors: