In reexamining the thermodynamic parameters of the protein refolding of ribonuclease systems over the temperature range of 220-360" K, based on the Nemst heat theorem, we found that at the temperature (T,), the thennodynamic quantities AGo(T,) and AHo(T,) are of the same magnitude, while TASo(T,) approaches zero. Based on the Planck-Benzinger thermal work function, AWo(T) = AHo(To) -AGo(T). [11] is an effective measure of the ease with which these molecules can be refolded to resemble the native protein structure, with greatest ease of folding at the lowest chemical bond energy. The Planck-Benzinger thermal work function, AWo(T), is an effective measure of the energy potentially available for any interaction to take place. AHo(To), a temperature-invariant quantity, is a primary source of the chemical bond energy essential for any reaction to proceed in a biological system, and is indispensable in any consideration of macromolecular interaction. Certainly this function has yet to receive sufficient recognition in the field of thermodynamics. After applying it in studies of ribonuclease refolding and protein-protein interaction, we predict that this new state function will eventually supplant the GibbsHelmholtz expression in thermodynamic analysis.