A novel impulsive cell pressurization experiment has been developed using a Kolsky bar device to investigate blast-induced traumatic brain injury (TBI). We demonstrate in this video article how blast TBI-relevant impulsive pressurization is applied to the neuronal cells in vitro. This is achieved by using well-controlled pressure pulse created by a specialized Kolsky bar device, with complete pressure history within the cell pressurization chamber recorded. Pressurized neuronal cells are inspected immediately after pressurization, or further incubated to examine the long-term effects of impulsive pressurization on neurite/axonal outgrowth, neuronal gene expression, apoptosis, etc. We observed that impulsive pressurization at about 2 MPa induces distinct neurite loss relative to unpressurized cells. Our technique provides a novel method to investigate the molecular/cellular mechanisms of blast TBI, via impulsive pressurization of brain cells at well-controlled pressure magnitude and duration.
Video LinkThe video component of this article can be found at https://www.jove.com/video/2723/ Protocol 1. Neuronal Cell Culture 1. Brain cells including neuronal cells, astrocytes, and their co-culture may be used as a cell model. As a feasibility demonstration, impulsive pressurization of cell-line neuronal cells is presented. 2. SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells (ATCC, CRL-2266) are cultured on 18 mm diameter glass coverslips. Cells are seeded at a density of 3×10 3 cells/cm 2 using the growth media composed of DMEM supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 1% penicillin-streptomycin. Cell cultured glass slides are kept in a 5% CO 2 humidified incubator at 37°C. 3. To obtain the neuronal cell differentiation of SH-SY5Y cells, cells are treated with media further supplemented with 10 μM retinoic acid (RA) for 7 days with media changed every two days. On day 7, cells are ready to be pressurized.
Pressurization Equipment: Kolsky Bar1. The Kolsky bar, developed by Kolsky 1 in 1949, has been used to measure the mechanical property of a material at a very high loading rate.The apparatus consists of two bars with a sample placed in contact between the bars. A stress wave, created on the incident bar, propagates to the sample where the wave splits into a reflected and transmitted wave. The stress in the sample is proportional to the transmitted wave. In this study, we utilize a cell pressurization chamber to be placed between the two bars of the Kolsky set-up. 2. The two aluminum alloy bars (each 6-m long) are suspended by aligned brass bearings, and an in vitro cell pressurization chamber is sandwiched between the bars. The upstream bar is the incident bar with a 130 lb mass clamped onto one end. A friction clamp is placed at a position that will give the desired pulse duration. By engaging the clamp and tightening a scissors jack between the mass and a loading support, the clamp-mass section of the incident bar is pre-compressed to the desired level. Forcing a notched bolt that locks the clamp to a sudden break with ...