We use density-functional band-structure calculations to explore the origin of the up-up-downdown (UUDD) magnetic order in Cu2GeO4 with the frustrated J1 − J2 spin chains coupled into layers within the spinel-like crystal structure. In contrast to earlier studies, we find that the nearestneighbor coupling J1 may be negligibly small, owing to a nearly perfect compensation of the ferromagnetic direct exchange and antiferromagnetic superexchange. Under this condition, weak symmetric anisotropy of the exchange couplings gives rise to the UUDD order observed experimentally and also elucidates the non-trivial ordering pattern between the layers, whereas a small Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction causes a spin canting that may generate local electric polarization. We argue that the buckling of the copper chains plays a crucial role in the suppression of J1 in Cu2GeO4 and sets this compound apart from other J1 − J2 chain magnets.
I. INTRODUCTIONCopper oxides built by chains of edge-sharing CuO 4 plaquettes serve as material prototypes of frustrated spin-1 2 chains with competing nearest-neighbor and nextnearest-neighbor interactions J 1 and J 2 , respectively. This simple spin model received ample attention [1] triggered by the prospects of chiral, multipolar, and spinnematic phases that may occur therein [2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. Whereas long-range order does not take place in one dimension (1D), interchain couplings in real materials will usually cause three-dimensional (3D) collinear or noncollinear order depending on the J 2 /J 1 ratio. On the classical level, incommensurate spiral order appears for J 2 /|J 1 | > 1 4 , whereas at J 2 /|J 1 | < 1 4 the second-neighbor coupling is not strong enough to tilt the spins, and the collinear ferromagnetic or up-down-up-down antiferromagnetic order form depending on the sign of J 1 . Quantum effects preserve the spiral state in the case of ferromagnetic (FM) J 1 [9], but destroy the order and open a spin gap for antiferromagnetic (AFM) J 1 at J 2 /J 1 > 0.241 [10][11][12].Real-world prototypes of the J 1 − J 2 spin chains will typically follow one of these scenarios. The majority of quasi-1D copper oxides reveal J 2 /|J 1 | > 1 4 with FM J 1 and develop the incommensurate spiral order [13][14][15][16]. Li 2 CuO 2 [17,18] and CuAs 2 O 4 [19] are notable exceptions, where J 1 is also FM, but J 2 /|J 1 | < 1 4 renders spin alignment along the chains purely ferromagnetic. Spin-chain compounds with AFM J 1 are more rare, although tentative indications of the spin-gap formation at J 2 /J 1 > 0.241 have been reported [20].One puzzling case in this series is Cu 2 GeO 4 [21] that reveals an unanticipated antiferromagnetic up-up-downdown (UUDD) order [22] despite the prediction of FM J 1 * altsirlin@gmail.com and AFM J 2 , both of the same magnitude [23]. This parameter regime would normally lead to the incommensurate spiral order, similar to LiCuVO 4 , CuCl 2 , and other J 1 − J 2 cuprates. Here, we address this discrepancy and first analyze whether additional terms beyond J 1 and J 2 could...