Abstract.Let X(t) be a stationary Gaussian process, /(/) a continuous function, and T a finite or infinite interval. This paper develops asymptotic estimates for P(X(t) > fit), some /er) when this probability is small. After transformation to an Ornstein Uhlenbeck process the results are also applicable to Brownian motion. In that special case, if W(t) is Brownian motion, / is continuously differentiable, and T = [0, T] our estimate for P( W(t) > fit), some / e T) isprovided A is small. Here is the standard normal density and * is its upper tail distribution. Our approach is to find an approximate first passage density and then compute crossing probabilities as a one-dimensional integral. In the case of boundaries without cusps, our results unify and extend separate results for crossings of constant levels developed by Pickands, and Quails-Watanabe, and crossings of rapidly increasing barriers studied by Berman. Applications are also briefly explored.1. Introduction. Let X(t) be a stationary Gaussian process and /(/) a continuous function defined on some interval T. We shall be interested in estimating P(X(t) > fit), some t G T) when this probability is small. An important application is the estimation of boundary crossing probabilities for Brownian motion. If W(t), t > 0, is Brownian motion, then X(t) = e~'W(e2'), t G Ris stationary and P(W(t) > fit), some t G [0, T]) = P(X(t) > e~'f(e2'), some / G (-co, \ In T]). Our results take the form of a limit theorem: as a sequence of functions fn tend to infinity in an appropriate way we find constants A" such that A~xP(X(t) > f"(t), some t £\ T) -> 1. When T is a finite interval and the boundaries are without cusps, our results are a synthesis and extension of the work of Pickands [12], and Quails and Watanabe [10] on the one hand who assumed the^, to be constant, and Berman [2], [3] who considered translations of a fixed barrier, i.e. fn(t) = n + fit) on [0, T] with /(/) increasing. In this case when /(/) is strictly increasing, Berman showed that asymptotically the barrier is only crossed in a neighborhood of the origin. This is