An electron-positron collider operating at a center-of-mass energy E CM can collect events at all lower energies through initial-state radiation (ISR or radiative return). We explore the capabilities for radiative return studies by a proposed high-luminosity collider at E CM = 250 or 90 GeV, to fill in gaps left by lowerenergy colliders such as PEP, PETRA, TRISTAN, and LEP. These capabilities are compared with those of the lower-energy e + e − colliders as well as hadron colliders such as the Tevatron and the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Some examples of accessible questions in dark photon searches and heavy flavor spectroscopy are given.PACS codes: 13.66.Bc, 13.66.De, 13.66.Hk
I IntroductionAn electron-positron collider operating at a center-of-mass energy E CM can collect events at all lower energies through initial-state radiation (ISR). This radiative return process has been used to good advantage in e + e − colliders such as DAΦNE, PEP-II, KEK-B, and LEP [1][2][3][4]. In the present paper we explore the capabilities of a higher-energy high-luminosity e + e − collider such as that envisioned by CERN (FCC-ee) [5] or China (CEPC) [6], operating at E CM ≃ 250 or 90 GeV (functioning as a Giga-or Tera-Z factory at the latter energy) [7], to perform radiative return studies of physics at lower center-of-mass energies.In order to fairly assess the capabilities of future colliders with past and present colliders it is necessary to specify the total integrated luminosity expected to be collected by future †