Many mass extinction events punctuated the history of life and changed evolutionary trajectories 1 . Most past biological crises are coeval with the emplacement of Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) 2 , which trigger widespread environmental perturbations. The Permian-Triassic mass extinction (PTME; 252 million years ago (Ma)) was the most severe biological crisis of the Phanerozoic (FIg. 1). It almost completely eliminated Palaeozoic fauna and flora, setting the stage for the evolution of modern ecosystems. Across the Permian-Triassic boundary (PTB), 81-94% of marine species went extinct 3-5 . On land, 89% of tetrapod genera and 49% of tetrapod families disappeared 6 . Recovery began in the Early Triassic 7-9 , but became notable only in the Middle Triassic, 5 million years later [10][11][12] .Data from the fossil, sedimentary, and geochemical record of the PTME suggest that there were major environmental changes in marine and terrestrial settings [13][14][15] . The global crisis is coeval with the emplacement of the Siberian Traps Large Igneous Province (STLIP) [16][17][18] , that saw a relatively rapid (<1 Ma) eruption of 2-7 million km 3 of basalt [19][20][21][22] , together with volcanic emissions of CO 2 , SO 2 , halogens and metals that were capable of causing the global climate and environmental catastrophe.Knowledge of the detailed timing of events has improved remarkably in the 2010s, thanks to advances in high-precision radioisotope dating, and highresolution biostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy (especially C-isotope and Hg stratigraphy). Analysis of high-temporal-resolution PTB events allowed identification of distinct phases of STLIP eruptions 18,23 and separate pulses of extinction among marine animals 4,24,25 . Particularly interesting developments include the increasing evidence that the terrestrial crisis was very likely to have been underway several tens to hundreds of thousands of years before the marine extinction [26][27][28] , clearly indicating that the PTME was not a single, instantaneous catastrophic event. Although these findings expand our knowledge of STLIP volcanism,
Mass extinctionglobal biological events of greatly elevated extinction rates.
Large Igneous Province(LIPs). Rapidly emplaced (<1-5 Ma) volcanic provinces with areal extents >0.1 million km 2 and volumes >0.1 million km 3 .
Radioisotope datingTechnique to determine the absolute age of rocks using radioactive decay.