In a previous paper, based on a calculation in the nonrelativistic quark model, we advanced the hypothesis that the D s ð2317Þ, D 0 ð2308Þ mesons are predominantly four-quark states lowered in mass by the flavor-dependent Kobayashi-Kubo-Maskawa 't Hooft U A ð1Þ symmetry breaking effective interaction. Here we show similar results and conclusions in a relativistic effective chiral model calculation, based on three-light-quark (i.e., two q plus one " q) local interpolators. To this end we classify the four-quark (three light plus one heavy quark) local interpolators according to their chiral transformation properties and then construct chiral invariant interactions. We evaluate the diagonal matrix elements of the Kobayashi-Kubo-Maskawa 't Hooft interaction between different interpolating fields and show that the lowest-lying one is always the (antisymmetric) SUð3Þ F antitriplet belonging to the chiral (3, 3) multiplet. We predict bottomstrange B s0 and the bottom-nonstrange B 0 scalar mesons with equal masses at 5720 MeV, the strange meson being some 100 MeV lower than in most of the quark potential models. We also predict the J P ¼ 1 þ bottom-nonstrange B 1 and the bottom-strange B s1 meson masses as 5732 MeV and 5765 MeV, respectively, using the Bardeen-Hill-Nowak-Rho-Zahed scalar-vector mass relation.