In this paper, we study the non-self dual extended Harper's model with Liouvillean frequency. By establishing quantitative reducibility results together with the averaging method, we prove that the lengths of the spectral gaps decay exponentially.arXiv:1708.01762v4 [math.SP] 30 Dec 2017 Remark 1.2. If λ 2 max{λ 1 +λ 3 ,1} > e Cβ(α) , then L λ > Cβ(α). Remark 1.3. Based on this theorem, Jian-Shi [16] proved the 1 2 -Hölder continuity of the integrated density of states for the EHM. They also obtained the Carleson homogeneity of the spectrum.The investigations of the spectral gaps for the AMO (i.e., λ 1 = λ 3 = 0) are closely related to the Cantor set structure of the spectrum Σ λ 2 ,α . In fact, the famous Ten Martini problem says that Σ λ 2 ,α is a Cantor set for all λ 2 = 0, α ∈ R \ Q. Much effort [6,7,14,25] was expended to solve the Ten Martini problem and finally it was proved by Avila and Jitomirskaya [2]. A stronger assertion which is called the dry Ten Martini problem suggests that Σ λ 2 ,α contains no collapsed spectral gap for all λ 2 = 0, α ∈ R \ Q. To the best of our knowledge, the dry Ten Martini problem still remains open and only partial results were obtained [2,3,5,7,23,25]. In fact, Avila-You-Zhou [5] proved the dry Ten Martini problem for the non-critical AMO.The first result concerning upper bounds of the lengths of the spectral gaps for the lattice quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators was proved by Amor [12] in which she showed that the lengths of the spectral gaps decay sub-exponentially. She used the KAM techniques developed by Eliasson [11]. Thus the frequency must satisfy the Diophantine condition. Recently, Leguil-You-Zhao-Zhou [21] proved that the lengths of the spectral gaps for the general Schrödinger operators with weak Diophantine frequency decay exponentially. Moreover, they obtained the lower bounds of the lengths of the spectral gaps for the AMO with Diophantine frequency. Based on some results of [23], Liu and Shi [22] generalized a result of [21] to the Liouvillean frequency case.For the continuous quasi-periodic Schrödinger operators, Damanik-Goldstein [8] and Damanik-Goldstein-Lukic [9] obtained the upper bounds of the lengths of the spectral gaps. In a recent work by Parnovski and Shterenberg [24], they got the asymptotic expansion for the length of some spectral gap.All results mentioned above are attached to the Schrödinger type operators and little is known about the Jacobi type operators (such as the EHM). In [13], Han proved the spectrum of the non-self dual EHM with weak Diophantine frequency contains no collapsed spectral gap.For a more detailed exposition of the history of the spectral gaps studying, we refer the reader to [20][21][22].The methods of the present paper follow that of [3,21], but more subtle estimates and technical differences. More precisely, using ideas of [3,21], we first establish (at the boundary of some spectral gap) quantitative reducibility results for the extended Harper's cocycles. Then using the averaging method, we can show that the fibered r...