This limited facsimile edition has been issued for the purpose of keeping this title available to the scientific community. © 1985 Springer Science+Business Media New York Originally published by Plcnum Press, New York in 1985 Softcover reprint of the hardcover Ist edition 1985 AII rights reservedNo part of this book may bc reproduced, storcd in a retrieval system, or transmittcd in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming.recording, or othcrwise, without written permission irom the Publisher · .. II, that r",weth light, and cont",,,,th In C",/, re",vtlh mort bght: and that bght grou,tlh brighter and brighter .. Doctrine and Covenants 50:24
DEDICATIONRecognizing its several limitations, we unpretentiously dedicate this book to our Creator, Who, through holy writ, has inspired us to seek light and understanding where darkness exists, and Who, through these same records, has taught us to place our professional pursuits in perspective with greater obligations of service to family and to society. PREFACE ix 4. Chapters 9, 10, and 14 provide the fundamental equations and background for turbulent combustion systems. 5. Chapters 11-13 and 15 document in some detail the approach and theory for the interactions between chemistry and turbulence in reacting systems encompassing gaseous flames, particle-laden systems, and pollutant formation in these systems.This work has formed the basis for model development at our Combustion Laboratory. These fundamentals were treated generally in the first book. The treatment in this new book for governing equations and for radiation is not greatly changed. However, significant new material is added for chemically reacting, turbulent, heterogeneous systems and for formation of nitrogen oxide pollutants. Included in several of these chapters are comparisons of measurements with predictions from a comprehensive model developed at the Combustion Laboratory. These comparisons demonstrate the state of development of the comprehensive code which, in the view of the authors, is suitable for some practical application to pulverized-coal systems. While this method has been developed principally for pulverized-coal combustion and gasification, this and similar methods have far more general applicability. The code is directly applicable to nonreactive gaseous and particle-laden flows and to reactive gaseous systems. Progress is being made for application to coal slurries and only minor work would be required for use with liquid fuel flames.The authors recognize the several uncertainties in constructing and applying models of this nature. Coal is a very complex heterogeneous substance whose structure and behavior are highly variable and are not well known. Pyrolysis and oxidation of coal are dependent upon coal type, size, size distribution, temperature history, etc., thus making generalization difficult. In addition, the complexities of turbulent recirculating flows, turbulent reacting flows, and turbulent two-phase flows are not fully resolved. Only recently ...