The public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden, G-LOC is one of the main physiological threats to aircrew of high-performance aircraft. The primary focus on this smdy was to measure recovery latency periods for both the absolute and relative incapacitation period following a G-LOC event and what effect the G-LOC event may have on pre-and post-G-LOC performance of fine motor control and cognitive function tasks (simulated flying tasks). G-LOC events were produced using the Dynamic Environment Simulator (DES) centrifuge at Wright-Patterson AFB OH and the Air Force Research Laboratory centrifuge at Brooks AFB TX. At each facility, an identical compensatory tracking task was used to tap die motor skill required by a pilot. In addition to the tracking task, participants were also required to perform a computation task (addition and subtraction problems) to tap the cognitive skills required by fighter pilots. Followmg the collection of baseline data the participant experienced his/her first G exposure, which was used to establish his/her relaxed G tolerance. Following a rest period, the subject experienced G-LOC. Recovery time data were analyzed and they suggest that it would take a pilot approximately 64 sec to regain the same degree of decision making cognitive ability as he/she had prior to the G-LOC episode. This result has tremendous implications for pilot performance in fighter aircraft.
SUBJECT TERMSG-LOC, cerebral oxygen saturation, %rS0O2, cognitive performance, cerebral hemoglobin volume, systolic arterial blood pressure, hydrostatic column pressure, hypovolemia, baroreflex activity, systemic vascular resistance, mean arterial pressure, cardiopulmonary (CP) baroreceptors, cumulative stress index, lower body negative pressure