O are the stable calcium selenites. CaSeO 3 ⅐H 2 O exists over the pH range 12.5-3.7, making it the most important phase for natural systems as well as most technological applications. Ca(HSeO 3 ) 2 ⅐H 2 O is the more acidic phase; it exists over the pH range 3.7-0.4.
Incongruent dissolution of Ca(HSeO 3 ) 2 ⅐H 2 O forms CaSeO 3 ⅐ H 2 O. These results indicate Ca 2 (HSeO 3 ) 2 (Se 2 O 5 ) is not a s t a b l e p h a s e a t 2 3°C . A t 8 0°C , C a S e O 3 ⅐ H 2 O ,