Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are constitutively expressed in cells and involved in protein folding, assembly, degradation, intracellular localization, etc, acting as molecular chaperones. However, their overexpression represents a ubiquitous molecular mechanism to cope with stress. Hsps are classified into families, and among them the Hsp70 family appears to be the most evolutionary preserved and distributed in animals. In this study, the expression of Hsp70 and the related messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) has been studied in Ostrea edulis after exposure to heat and heavy metals; moreover, levels of metallothioneins (MTs), another class of stress-induced proteins, have contemporaneously been assessed in the same animals. Thermal stress caused the expression of a 69-kDa inducible isoform in gills of O edulis but not in the digestive gland. Northern dot blot analysis confirmed that the transcription of Hsp69-mRNA occurs within 3 hours of stress recovery after oyster exposure at 32 and 35ЊC. Hsp69-mRNA transcripts were not present in the gills of animals exposed to 38ЊC after 3 hours of poststress recovery, but they were detected after 24 hours. The expression of the 69-kDa protein in O edulis exposed to 38ЊC was rather low or totally absent, suggesting that the biochemical machinery at the base of the heat shock response is compromised. Together with the expected increase in MT content, the oysters exposed to Cd showed a significant enhancement of Hsp70, although there was no clear appearance of Hsp69. Interestingly, the levels of MT were significantly increased in the tissues of individuals exposed to thermal stress. Unlike oysters, heat did not provoke the expression of inducible Hsp isoforms in Mytilus galloprovincialis, Tapes philippinarum, and Scapharca inaequivalvis, although it significantly enhanced the expression of constitutive proteins of the 70-kDa family. The expression of newly synthesized Hsp70 isoforms does not seem therefore a common feature in bivalves exposed to thermal stress.