The monitoring of pesticide concentrations in Japanese rivers was conducted via a grab sampling method and a passive sampling method using the polar organic chemical integrated sampler (POCIS). The results showed that cumulative detections were 84 with grab sampling and 98 with the POCIS. All of the pesticides detected by grab sampling could be quantified with a POCIS except for one (although its traces were detected). In addition, 15 detections quantified by POCIS were undetected by grab sampling. The average concentrations of pesticides detected by both the POCIS and grab sampling during the investigation period were compared. A good correlation was observed between the two methods with a slope of 1.00 and a coefficient of correlation (r) of 0.897 (n=79). Although high temporal variability was observed in the pesticide concentrations by grab sampling, the average pesticide concentrations obtained by the two methods showed similar values during the investigation period.