“…Tissue from the limbic system and the anterior pituitary gland, through which gonadotrophin regulation is effected, have the potential to convert testosterone to DHT in vitro and to concentrate DHT in the cell nuclei in vivo and in vitro (Jaffe, 1969;Pérez-Palacios, Castañeda, Gomez-Perez, Perez & Guai, 1970;Massa, Stupnicka, Kniewald & Martini, 1972;Whalen & Rezek, 1972;Kniewald & Milkovic, 1973;Monbon, Loras, Reboud & Bertrand, 1973;Denef, Magnus & McEwen, 1974;Verhoeven, Lamberigts & DeMoor, 1974;Lloyd & Karavolas, 1975;Kao, Perez Lloret & Weisz, 1977). Tissue from the limbic system and the anterior pituitary gland, through which gonadotrophin regulation is effected, have the potential to convert testosterone to DHT in vitro and to concentrate DHT in the cell nuclei in vivo and in vitro (Jaffe, 1969;Pérez-Palacios, Castañeda, Gomez-Perez, Perez & Guai, 1970;Massa, Stupnicka, Kniewald & Martini, 1972;Whalen & Rezek, 1972;Kniewald & Milkovic, 1973;Monbon, Loras, Reboud & Bertrand, 1973;Denef, Magnus & McEwen, 1974;Verhoeven, Lamberigts & DeMoor, 1974;Lloyd & Karavolas, 1975;Kao, Perez Lloret & Weisz, 1977).…”