PEZZAGNO G, GHITTORI S, IMBRIANI M, CAPODAGLIO E. Urinary elimination of styrene in experimental and occupational exposure. Scand J Work En viron Health II (1985) 371-379. Twentyhuman volunteers were exposed to styrene vapor at 273-1 654 !tmol/m' (28.4-172.3 mg/m') for a period of 1 to 3 h at rest (15cases)and during light physical exercise (5 cases).Subsequently51 workers occupationally exposed to styrenewerestudied during a workweek (medianvalue 1 138!tmol/m', geometric standard deviation 2.23). As expected, the relative uptake averagedabout 65 lifo, and the ratio of the alveolar concentration to the time-weighted average of the environmental concentration averaged about 0.15. Both in the experimentally exposedsubjects and in the occupationallyexposedworkers the urinary styreneconcentration showed a linear relationship to the corresponding environmental time-weighted average concentration. The correlation coefficients of the regression lines ranged between 0.88 (occupationally exposed group) and more than 0.93 (experimentally exposedgroups). The regression coefficients wereclosely linked to the amount of styrene taken up and to the exposure times. The findings show that the urinary styrene concentration can be used as an appropriate biologicalexposure indicator whosemeaning differs from that of other suggested indices. As an example, in occupationally exposed subjectsperforming moderate work the urinary styreneconcentration correspondingto the time-weighted average of the threshold limit value is 815 nmol/I, and the 95 0J0 lower confidence limit (biological threshold) is 740 nmol/1.