Zinc, copper, and iron levels in maternal and fetal pig tissues and fluids were measured starting on d 30 of gestation and continuing to term (d 114) at 10-d intervals. Fetal hematocrit increased from a low of 19% on d 30 to 32% by d 50, after which it remained above 30% to term. Amniotic fluid zinc, copper, and iron all reached maximal levels by d 60 of gestation. Maternal serum zinc levels fluctuated little during gestation, but fetal serum zinc concentration was significantly elevated above maternal levels during the second trimester. Fetal serum copper levels were significantly lower than maternal values throughout gestation and this was also the case for ceruloplasmin oxidase activity. Maternal serum iron reached its lowest level by d 80 of gestation when rate of transfer of iron to the developing fetuses was high. Fetal serum iron declined throughout gestation, reaching its lowest level on d 100. In general, fetal liver concentrations of zinc, copper, and iron were higher than the corresponding maternal values throughout gestation. Distinct increases were noted for fetal hepatic zinc and copper concentrations during the second trimester of pregnancy and these were accompanied by increases in cytosolic and metallothionein-bound zinc and copper levels. Maternal hepatic iron declined during the second trimester, reaching its lowest point on d 80, indicative of the shunting of maternal iron reserves to fetal tissues. Fetal kidney metal levels did not demonstrate any distinctive developmental patterns with respect to zinc, copper, or iron concentrations, but a general accumulation of each metal was observed as gestation progressed. The results of this study highlight some of the distinct changes occurring in the metabolism of zinc, copper, and iron in both maternal and fetal tissues and fluids during gestation in the pig.