Scattering of sound by finite and infinite chains of equally spaced perforated metallic cylindrical shells in an ideal (inviscid) and viscous fluid is theoretically studied using rigorous analytical and numerical approaches. Due to perforations, a chain of thin shells is practically transparent for sound within a wide range of frequencies. It is shown that strong scattering and redirection of sound by 90 • may occur only for a discrete set of frequencies (Wood's anomalies) where the leaky eigenmodes are excited. The spectrum of eigenmodes consists of antisymmetric and symmetric branches with normal and anomalous dispersion, respectively. The antisymmetric eigenmode turns out to be a deaf mode since it cannot be excited at normal incidence. However, at slightly oblique incidence both modes can be excited at different but close frequencies. The symmetric mode, due to its anomalous dispersion, scatters sound in the "wrong" direction, thus allowing splitting of the incoming signal containing two harmonics into two beams propagating along the chain in the opposite directions. Calculations are presented for aluminum shells in viscous air where the effects of anomalous scattering, redirection, and signal splitting are well manifested.