An urban forestry strategy is presented for Ontario, in response to a growing need to manage for viable and healthy urban vegetation. Urban forestry is about planning and managing existing and/or new treed vegetation of all types and associated wildlife, to establish attractive urban habitats, using systematic forestry-like approaches and environmental principles, in combination with arboricultural and modified silvicultural techniques. Urban forestry managers, having various educational backgrounds, are increasingly becoming involved in managing our urban forest, our habitat.Currently, there is no educational institution that totally prepares students for a career in urban forestry. As a result, people entering this field do so on an ad hoc basis, having various educational backgrounds, which do not cover all aspects of urban forestry management. A second problem is the limited awareness of various levels of government that systematic urban forestry management for densely populated areas is a growing need.Factors contributing to the need for urban forestry management, as well as obstacles to establishing such programs, are discussed. The urban forest, its managers, the content of programs and experience in the USA are outlined. Proposed actions include:1 development of a provincial policy, through the enlargement of the private land forestry program to initiate and support urban forestry programs;2 evaluation of the feasibility of having conservation authorities include urban forestry in their mandate;3 establishment of an umbrella-type diploma course administered by an educational institution; and4 establishment of an urban forestry chair at a university with cross appointments in forestry, planning and/or landscape architecture. Key Words : Urban forestry programs, options and alternatives for Ontario communities.