ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis Ph.D. journey has been the most inspired part of my life. It could not have been accomplished without support from many colleagues and friends, particularly my supervisor Prof. Hans Bressers at the University of Twente and Prof. Wen Zongguo at Tsinghua University.My special thanks, firstly, go to Hans. Changes in my life and work made me take longer than others to finish this Ph.D. program, but Hans has always been there ready to supervise me and offer advice. He never turned me down whenever and whatever actions I proposed for the study, and always he offered me generous help. He was like a lighthouse during my long and hard Ph.D. voyage. He taught me the spirit of "never give up" in a silent, but warm and firm way. This is the good fortune I will benefit from for life.Thank you, Hans, my doctor-father! Also, my sincere thanks go to Mrs. Mieke Bressers for her support.Also, I offer my special thanks to Prof Wen. Most works of this study were done at Tsinghua University, with the kind and full financial support and day-to-day guidance from Prof Wen. Working with Wen is a treasured experience for me. He has taught me all his academic skills without any reservation, but also he showed me the intelligence, diligence, earnest and self-disciplined character of being a Tsinghua professor. I felt honored to have had the opportunity to work with a top scholar in China. The Tsinghua II spirit you taught me benefits my life. Thank you, Prof. Wen, my life long teacher, and friend. I would like to thank CSTM colleagues for your kind help. Barbera van Dalm-Grobben, thank you for the endless efforts helping with all the organization work for finalizing and defending. Bryan Spooner, thank you for your help with English editing and always the prompt response. Also, I want to thank many other colleagues who have helped me during my stay and my coming visit for the defense of this final Ph.D. dissertation. I would like to thank colleagues at the Circular Economy Research Center of Tsinghua University for all those unforgettable moments of team work, achievement, day and night report writing together, exchange of research skills, and sharing of our life stories.