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City Research OnlineVisual analysis design to support research into movement and use of space in Tallinn: A case study Abstract We designed and applied interactive visualisation to help an urban study group investigate how suburban residents in the Tallinn Metropolitan Area (Estonia) use space in the city. We used mobile phone positioning data collected from suburban residents together with their socio-economic characteristics. Land-use data provided geo-context that helped characterise visited locations by suburban residents. Our interactive visualisation design was informed by a set of research questions framed as identification, localisation and comparison tasks. The resulting prototype offers five linked and coordinated views of spatial, temporal, socio-economic characteristics and land-use aspects of data. Brushing, sorting and filtering provide visual means to identify similarities between individuals and facilitate the identification, localisation and comparison of patterns of use of urban space. The urban study group was able to use the prototype to explore their data and address their research questions in a more flexible way than previously possible. Initial feedback was positive. The prototype was found to support the research and facilitate the discovery of patterns and relations among groups of participants and their movements.