Manduang Village is currently being developed into tourism village village in Klungkung Regency has formed a Tourism Awareness Group in accordance with the Decree of the Head of the Klungkung Regency Tourism Office Number 4 of 2022. Based on observations in the field and the results of interviews, currently Manduang village already has a tourism business in the form of a Tubing business. The establishment of this tourism village business is the answer to the demands of the village in establishing business in the real economic sector, especially from the tourism sector. However, at this time the existence of Tubing Tukad Jinah has not been able to develop properly. The whole problem then leads to one problem, namely: the unclear management of the tubing business or the weakness of the institutional integration sector in the management of the tubing business by the Tourism Awareness Group. Manduang Village legally has a Village-Owned Enterprise in 2015 in accordance with Manduang Village Regulation Number 6 of 2015. The existence of BUMDes in Bhoga Werdhi cannot be used as a driving force for businesses in Manduang Village, including in the management of the Tubing Tukad Jinah business. Bhoga Werdhi's BUMDes Household Rules do not yet have the power or legal in the tourism business. The existence of the Tourism Awareness Group with the BUMDes of Bogha Werdhi still seems to be separate and there is no collaboration in the management of the Tubing Tukad Jinah business. In fact, if referring to the BUMDes Bogha Werdhi Work Program in 2022, it is stated that one of the opportunities targeted by BUMDes is in the tourism sector which aims to create jobs for the Manduang community and obtain economic benefits. This study used qualitative research methods. This research consists of stages of data collection, literature study and data analysis, focus group discussion, conclusion and recommendation. Primary data in this study was obtained from the results of consecutive unstructured interviews from May to June 2022 with related parties such as the Head of the Klungkung Planning, Research and Development Agency, Head of the Klungkung Regency Tourism Office, Manduang Village Perbekel, Director of BUMDes Bogha, Chair of the Tourism Awareness Group. Manduang Village. Interview results also supported by data obtained through a focus group discussion held in June with the Tourism Awareness Group as the tubing business manager. The data analysis used in this research is an interactive analysis technique with 3 stages, namely: data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results of this study state that: Based on the provisions of the Manduang Perbekel Regulation No. 6 of 2015, the Village-Owned Enterprises of Bhoga Werdhi have several business units in the form of: savings and loan business units, service business units, village shop business units that support agriculture. Referring to these problems, the policy direction that was taken was to change some of the provisions contained in the 2015 Manduang Perbekel Regulati...