Abstrak Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan persepsi urgensi inklusi komponen-komponen multimodalitas dengan berbagai aspeknya ke dalam desin model pembelajaran pragmatik edukasional. Data penelitian kuantitatif berwujud angka-angka yang ditunjukkan dalam persentase atas respons pernyataan-pernyataan yang diberikan. Data jenis ini diperoleh dengan cara mendistribukan instrumen kuesioner melalui ‘google form’ kepada responden yang pernah mendapatkan perkuliahan pragmatik edukasional. Data kualitatif penelitian ini berupa aspek-aspek komponen konteks yang membentuk multimodalitas dan mencakup aspek linguistik, visual, spasial, gestural, dan aural. Metode pengumpulan data jenis kedua adalah metode simak dengan teknik baca dan catat khususnya untuk mendapatkan data kualitatif penelitian ini. Selanjutnya, data yang telah terkumpul diklasifikasi dan ditipifikasi serta dianalisis untuk mendapatkan angka-angka persentase persepsi urgensi inklusi dimensi-dimensi multimodalitas dalam desain model pembelajaran pragmatik edukasional. Metode analisis isi diterapkan untuk memberikan pemaknaan pada temuan-temuan angka kuantitatif berupa persentase persepsi urgensi tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa persepsi inklusi aspek-aspek multimodalitas meliputi aspek linguistik, visual, gestural, spasial, dan aural memiliki angka persentase yang sangat tinggi. Setiap aspek dipersepsi responden dengan angka persentasi setuju dan sangat setuju yang mendekati 100%. Dengan demikian dapat ditegaskan bahwa inklusi dimensi-dimensi multimodalitas dengan segala aspeknya urgen untuk dilakukan dalam pembelajaran pragmatik edukasional. Kata-kata kunci: Persepsi urgensi, dimensi-dimensi multimodalitas, pragmatik edukasional AbstractThe purpose of this research is to describe the perception of the urgency of including multimodality components with various aspects into the design of educational pragmatic learning models. Quantitative research data are in the form of numbers that are shown in percentages of the responses to the statements given. This type of data was obtained by distributing a questionnaire instrument through the 'google form' to respondents who had received educational pragmatics lectures. The qualitative data of this study is in the form of aspects of the cybertext context components that form multimodalities which include linguistic, visual, spatial, gestural, and aural aspects. The second type of data collection method is the reading method with between the line reading and note-taking techniques, especially to obtain qualitative data for this study. Furthermore, the data that has been collected is classified and typified and analyzed to get the percentage figures for the perception of the urgency of inclusion in the multimodality dimensions of educational pragmatic learning model design. The content analysis method is applied to give meaning to the findings of the quantitative figures in the form of the percentage of the perception of urgency. The results of this study indicate that the perception of inclusion of multimodality aspects including linguistic, visual, gestural, spatial, and aural aspects has a very high percentage. Each aspect is perceived by respondents with a percentage agree and strongly agree close to 100%. Thus, it can be emphasized that the inclusion of multimodality dimensions with all its aspects is urgent to do in designing educational pragmatics learning.. Keywords: Perception of urgency, multimodality dimensions, educational pragmatics