Testes of 175 patients with histologically proved carcinoma of the prostate were biopsied and processed for conventional as well as radioautographic study. Satisfactory spermatogenesis was preserved in 40‐45% of the biopsied testis. In 35‐40%, spermatogenesis was active, but there was clear evidence of depletion in the maturation process. The remaining 20‐25% showed atrophy and hyalinization. Radioautographic study revealed that the number of DNA‐syn‐thesizing spermatogonia per cross‐sectioned tubule was reduced from what was previously observed in the healthy adult male. No correlation could be found between testicular morphology, DNA synthesis of the germ cells, serum testosterone levels, and total urinary gonadotropins. It appears that the pituitary‐gonadal axis in the prostatic carcinoma patient is altered. This alteration, however, is not clearly delineated by the laboratory methods presently available.