Escherichia coli variants expressing plasmid-mediated qnr genes are usually susceptible to fluoroquinolones by standard susceptibility testing. Here we show that, under specific urinary tract physiological conditions, susceptible laboratory and clinical strains harboring qnr determinants become fully resistant to ciprofloxacin (CIP). Therefore, physiological conditions, mainly urine pH values, should be considered when performing susceptibility testing of CIP activity against E. coli in treating urinary tract infection (UTI) and for selecting appropriate antibiotics for UTI treatment.KEYWORDS ciprofloxacin, Escherichia coli, MIC, pH, qnr, urinary tract infection F luoroquinolones (FQs) are broad-spectrum antibiotics commonly used for urinary tract infection (UTI) (1-3). However, in recent years, a worrisome increase in resistance to FQs has been addressed worldwide (4, 5). Bacterial resistance to FQs is achieved mainly through the acquisition of sequential mutations in genes encoding DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV (6, 7). The presence of some of these highly prevalent mutations (8, 9) often confers a low-level quinolone resistance (LLQR) phenotype with an MIC lower than the clinical breakpoint but higher than the epidemiological cutoff (10, 11). Therefore, low-level quinolone-resistant Escherichia coli mutants have been traditionally considered to be susceptible according to standard susceptibility testing. However, we recently found that growth under physiological urinary tract conditions (i.e., growth in urine, at low pH values, and under anaerobiosis) conferred clinical levels of resistance to the fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin (CIP) (12). This situation may provide a selective scenario for the evolution of high-level quinolone resistance and could lead to therapeutic failure in patients with urinary tract infection (UTI).In contrast, plasmid-mediated low-level resistance mechanisms may also compromise the efficacy of quinolones (13). The first report ofplasmid-mediated quinolone resistance described the presence of a 218-amino-acid protein termed Qnr that protects DNA from quinolone binding to topoisomerases (14). Since then, five groups of plasmidic Qnr determinants (encoded by the genes qnrA, qnrB, qnrC, qnrD, qnrS, and qnrVC) have been described (15). Due to their plasmidic nature, qnr genes can be horizontally transferred, which confers an LLQR phenotype (15,16). Furthermore, qnr genes are often associated with extended-spectrum -lactamases and aminoglycosideresistance-encoding genes on the same plasmid (17), mutually increasing the probability of dissemination (18).