A 7 year old donkey was introduced to the clinic of Ghubaysh college of Veterinary Science showing haematuria, dysuria, stranguria, oliguria, and tenesmus, and colic, stiffness of the hindquarters, painful micturition and penile protrusion from the sheath. Sampled urine was yellow, very cloudy turbid and alkaline. The sediment showed medium numbers of epithelial cells, high numbers of leukocytes. There were high number of pus cells and RBCs. Calcium oxalate and Triple phosphate had been seen in high concentration. Furthermore, a remarkable quantity of calcium was present in the uroliths. By rectal palpation the bladder contain many uroliths with different size. By palpation there was urolith in urethral in the base of the penis. This final investigations result revealed urolithiasis and urinary tract inflammation.