without urogenital symptoms are more frequent. We found no case of adenoviruria after stem cell transplantation, so we must conclude that this virus is not that important in the adult population like it is in paediatric stem cell transplantation.5 Interestingly, BK viruria was significantly associated with acute renal failure. Acute renal failure was described in retrospective analysis before, so we must conclude that BK virus can also lead to nephropathy in allogeneic stem cell transplantation like it is well known in kidney transplantation. 4 We found no association with polyomavirus BK and JC with GvHD contrary to what was described in other studies. 6 Regarding GvHD prophylaxis, our study was quite homogenous, since all patients received alemtuzumab.Other studies had more heterogenous populations or all participants received antithymogloboline for GvHD prophylaxis. 6 We conclude that urological complications, especially polyomavirus associated urogenital infections, are important and considerable during adult allogeneic stem cell transplantation.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThe authors would like to thank all participating patients and all nurses or study nurses of the University Medicine Greifswald Department of Hematology/Oncology who made this study a success. Thank you for your great help and advice! ORCID Laila Schneidewind