Background and Objectives: Most research in residency training has focused on quality improvement within a single program. We explored resident involvement in curricular and clinical practice change, the learning environment, and resident satisfaction in 3-year family medicine residencies compared to matched 4-year residencies.
Methods: We used two surveys to capture data. One was for program directors, which assessed the level of resident involvement in curricular and practice transformation. The second was a resident survey, which asked residents to rate their involvement in curricular change and practice transformation, the learning environment, and satisfaction with training. Both were administered annually between 2013 and 2019. Response rates ranged from 84.6% to 100%.
Results: Findings revealed no overall difference in resident involvement in curricular change, but the program director survey findings indicated that a higher proportion of residents in 4-year programs were using a broader diversity of approaches to working on quality improvement (QI) projects compared to those in 3-year programs. We also found statistical differences in the number of QI projects completed per year, with 34.1% completing three or more in 4-year programs compared to 13.3% in 3-year programs (P<.001). We found a positive correlation between resident involvement, learning environment, and satisfaction with training for both 3-year (range 0.489–0.666; P=.001) and 4-year residents (range 0.441–0.529; P=.001).
Conclusions: Four-year residents were involved in a greater number of quality improvement projects and had a more diverse profile of involvement than those in 3-year residency programs. Involvement in practice and curricular change and the learning environment were associated with greater levels of resident satisfaction with training in both 3-year and 4-year programs.