The thermotropic phase diagram of 1:1 co-crystals of hexamethylenetetramine and pimelic acid (heptanedioic acid) is investigated. Three crystalline phases are identi®ed at ambient pressure. Phase I is disordered, as revealed by diffuse rods in its diffraction pattern. When the temperature is lowered the diffuse streaks disappear in Phase II, but superstructure re¯ections emerge indicating an ordering process of the structure through a non-ferroic, or at least non-ferroelastic, phase transition. Phase II is mainly characterized by an unusual distribution of its re¯ection intensities. Phase III is reached through a ferroelastic phase transition that induces twinned domains. A model based on the stacking of an elementary layer is proposed with the aim of describing the structures in a uni®ed framework. Depending on the value of the unique stacking parameter , each of the different structures observed can be reproduced by this model. Its validity is then tested by a series of simulations reproducing the main features of the diffraction patterns such as the diffuse scattering streaks, the occurrence of superstructure peaks at lower temperature and twinning.