Research ArticleBronchodilatory effect of Bronchodilatory effect of Bronchodilatory effect of Myxopy-MyxopyMyxopyrum serratulum rum serratulum rum serratulum in animal model in animal model in animal model
IntroductionBronchial asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airway. Infiltration of various inflammatory cells such as eosinophil, macrophages and lymphocytes into the airway causes asthma and bronchitis (Patel et al., 2013).Bronchodilator drugs works by rapid reversal of the airway obstruction in asthmatics by directly acting on airway smooth muscle (Church and Hiroi, 1987). Drugs derived from natural sources are generally considered no adverse effects when compared to synthetic drugs, therefore, it might serve as better alternative for many chronic diseases such as cancer, infections and endemic diseases like asthma, bronchitis and many others (WHO, 2000). Plant extract and secondary metabolites derived from plant can directly influence the production and activation of inflammatory mediators, seconddary messengers and the expression of transcription factors (Calixto et al., 2004).Myxopyrum serratulum belongs to large shrub mainly found in Kerala at a altitude of about 600-900 m. It is commonly known as chaturamulla and traditionally, dried and powdered leaves of the plant was mixed with ghee as a remedy for asthma, cough and nerves complaints apart from which they were also used for the treatment of fever, headache and ear diseases (Wealth of India, 2011).According to earlier reports, the plant possesses antiinflammatory, antiarthritic ), antioxidant (Sheelarani et al., 2013), antipyretic (Vanughese et al., 2015, wound healing (Gopalakrishnan and Rajameena, 2013) and antimicrobial (Gopalakrishnan et al., 2012) properties.The phytochemical studies on M. serratulum revealed
AbstractThe plant Myxopyrum serratulum is traditionally claimed to relieve asthma and cough. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the bronchodilatory effect of the methanolic extract of M. serratulum on histamine-induced bronchospasm by in vivo and the inhibitory effect of the extract on histaminecontracted tracheal chain and ileum by in vitro guinea pig model. Additionally, the relaxant effect of four cumulative concentrations of the extract (0.25, 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0 g%) was assessed using precontracted tracheal chain under different conditions. The extract (400 mg/kg) prolonged the preconvulsive time to 102.3 ± 3.8 sec when compared to saline and standard chlorpheniramine maleate as 121.3 ± 4.5 sec (p<0.05). The extract also possessed significant inhibitory effect on histamine-contracted guinea pig ileum and tracheal chain and also exhibited significant relaxation effect on precontracted tracheal chain of guinea pig models contracted by 60 mM KCl (p<0.001) and 10 µM methacholine (p<0.001) when compared with standard theophylline.
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