Connection of distributed generations (DGs) on the distribution systems starts to show benefits but may cause serious stability concerns. This paper presents an efficient adaptive stability control, based on step-ahead model prediction methodology, for distribution systems connected with DGs. This control named Model Prediction Adaptive Control (MPAC) is built upon optimization of selected performance index defined as weighted combination of generator voltage deviation, mechanical-electrical torque mismatch, and speed incremental. This paper demonstrates the capability of the MPAC for improvement of the power system stability. This paper offers unique stability study and control of distribution systems subjected to disturbances simultaneously with dynamic operations of DGs, whereas many literatures were focused on the transmission-level power system stability. This paper presents the new concept and design of the MPAC stability control, hardware implementation using state-of-the-art digital signal processing technology, and case studies. Comprehensive illustration of effectiveness of the MPAC versus existing controls is provided.Index Terms -AC generator excitation, adaptive control, power system stability, prediction methods. Lin Wang received her B.Eng., M.Eng., and Ph.D. degrees from Huazhong