>>Intuitive to use<< is so often assigned to tangible user interfaces (TUIs) and physical interaction, for example, in conference lectures, informal communication and in scientific publications, that it seems obvious that physicality evokes intuitive use. However, on closer inspection the topic becomes less obvious. It appears that the use of the term intuitive are diverse and a common definition is still missing; this is true in general for the field HCI but it is particularly true for the fields physicality and tangible interaction. Our aim is to review formerly separated ideas on intuitive use, physicality and TUIs that were partly included in past publications, and to investigate further aspects, which enable or facilitate intuitive use, namely image schemas and familiarity. As interac tion has an impact on the overall product experience, we also discuss whether intuitive use influences the users aesthetic judgements of such products. The paper concludes by underpinning the suitability of tangible interfaces to evoke intuitive use and by calling on taking the concept of intuitive use of user interfaces further for theoretical assessment and development of tangible interfaces