Telecommunication carrier is by definition companies that are authorized by a regulatory agency to operate a telecommunications system. In the work of Ching-Ter et al. (2011), the problem of routing management still stands to confuse many telecommunication-related companies among which are: equipment manufacturers, platform vendors, service operators, and billing system. Through their study, they observed that routing control is dependent not only on equipment but also on the operational flow of the company. Unlike Internet Service Provider (ISP) where its providers often control the entire network topology; the same is not of telecommunication operators. A full range of service is only possible to the reach of its customers by contracting partners such as service carriers. In the case of customer calls or user calls, these operators provide service according to an internal and pre-deployed routing logic to its service providers or carriers depending upon the destination or the service traffic to available routes. That is, a clear guide is instituted for the engineering staff on path deploying for the next period (or billing cycle) to come while achieving multiple pre-defined goals automatically. In this instance, decision-making which is the science of recognizing and determining choices based on the values and partialities of the decision maker becomes necessary (Diaz et al. 2015; Caron and Daniels 2013; Anderson and Mansingh 2014). Making a choice implies that there are alternatives to be considered, and in such a case we do not only distinguish as many of these choices but also take the one that best fits