This report documents the results of a cost-effectiveness study of the streamflow-gaging program in Wyoming. One phase of evaluating :.he costeffectiveness considers the use of alternative methods to simulate streamflow records. Regression analysis or hydrologic flow-routing techniques were considered for 24 combinations of stations from a 139-station network operated in 1984 to investigate suitability of techniques for simulating streamflow records. Only one station was determined to have sufficient accuracy in the regression analysis to consider discontinuance of the gage. The evaluation of the gaging-station network, which included the use of associated uncertainty in streamflow records, is limited to the nonwinter operation of the 47 stations operated by the Riverton Field Office of the U.S. Geological Survey. The current (1987) travel routes and measurement frequencies require a budget of $264,000 and result in an average standard error in streamflow records of 13.2 percent. Changes in routes and station visits, using the same budget, could optimally reduce the standard error by 1.6 percent.